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Lamer L. Lame

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Everything posted by Lamer L. Lame

  1. This software is a joke. It lacks support of basic features like purchasing addons for active services, handling of domain renewal grace/redemption, distinguishing between hosting accounts and domain names instead calling it all 'orders' collectively. There is no domain suggestions on order form (spinning tlds is not a suggestion tool). Most useful hooks like domain validation during order, are simply unsupported. Fresh install is flooded with silly blog articles, predefined packages and service categories which i was tired getting rid of. I had to rewrite almost all notification templates because of poor grammar. The SMS bullshit is everywhere. I understand that developer is turkish and i've been in Turkey 11 or 12 times. I know over there you can't take a step without showing ID or verifying your phone number. But the world spans far beyond turkish borders and no one abroad takes care of SMS verification.
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