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Posts posted by gabriela

  1. Based on the information provided, it seems that there may be an issue with the target folder path when attempting to use FTP credentials for database backups. It appears that using a forward slash "/" for the target folder allows for a successful test connection, while using "/db-backup" results in an error.
    One possible explanation for this issue is that the FTP server being used may have restrictions or permissions set up that are preventing access to the specified target folder. It is also possible that there may be an issue with the way the target folder path is being formatted or entered.
    To troubleshoot this issue, it may be helpful to check the FTP server settings and permissions to ensure that the specified target folder is accessible. It may also be useful to double-check the formatting of the target folder path and try alternative variations to see if they are successful.
    In addition, it may be helpful to consult with technical support or documentation from the software or service being used for database backups to see if there are any known issues or solutions related to this particular issue.

  2. To create a slider similar to the one on keyubu.com, you can use a variety of tools and technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Here are the steps you can follow:

    1. Create the HTML structure for the slider: You can create a container element that holds all the slides and another element for each slide.

    2. Style the slider using CSS: You can use CSS to style the slider, including setting its width and height, positioning, and adding transitions and animations.

    3. Add JavaScript functionality: You can use JavaScript to add functionality to the slider, such as automatically transitioning between slides, adding navigation buttons, and controlling the speed of transitions.

    4. Test and refine: Once you have created your slider, test it thoroughly to ensure it works as expected. Refine it as necessary based on feedback from users.

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