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  2. Merhabalar Satış ortaklığı linki veya tıklanma sayısının sıfırlanması gerekmektedir. Uzunca süre aktif olmayan linkler pasif yapabiliyoruz. Ancak silinmemektedir. Satış ortaklığı açtığımız gibi kapatılması gibi bir işlem konulması gerekmektedir. Tıklanma sayıları, referanslar vb şeylerin sıfırlama, verilen linki özelleştirme gibi şeyler eklenirse satış ortaklığı kısmı için daha kullanışlı olur. Tıklanma sayısının sıfırlanmaması uzun vade çalışmalarda yada test amaçlı kullanımlardan sonra sorun yaratmaktadır. Ayrıca tıklama logları daha detaylı alınırsa en azından saat tarih tarzında log eklenmesi de satış ortaklığı takibini daha kullanışlı yapar. Bu tarz özelleştirmelerin eklenmesi dileğiyle. Saygılarımızla Sunucu Merkezim Bilişim Hizmetleri https://sunucumerkezim.com
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  4. Yaşadığım problemi biraz önce çözdüm. Böyle bir durumla karşılaşırsanız öncelikle sisteminizde bulunan "Google ile Bağlan/Kaydol" eklentisini pasif hale getirin ve ardından kaldırın. Daha sonra WiseCP hesabınıza giriş yapıp güncel kurulum dosyasını indirin. Ardından güncel kurulum dosyası içerisindeki "/coremio/modules/Addons/" klasörü içerisinde bulunan "ConnectGoogle" klasörünü sunucunuzdaki "/coremio/modules/Addons/" klasörü içerisine yükleyin. Daha sonra admin panelinizden eklentiler bölümüne gelerek önce "Google ile Bağlan/Kaydol" eklentisinin ayarlarını yapın ve daha sonra eklentiyi aktifleştirin. Bu işlem yaşadığınız sorunu giderecektir. Sanırım bu sorunun nedeni WiseCP güncellemesi sırasında eklentilerin de son sürümüne otomatik güncellenmiyor olması.
  5. Merhabalar, Google ile giriş için "OAuth 2.0 Client IDs" oluşturup Client ID ve secret bilgilerini WiseCP eklentiler bölümündeki "Google ile Bağlan/Kaydol" eklentisindeki ilgili alanlara ekledim ve kaydettim. Ayrıca OAuth consent screen yapılandırmasını tamamlayarak "Verified" durumuna gelmesini de sağladım. WiseCP subdomain içerisinde kurulu olduğu için "Authorized JavaScript origins" ve "Authorized redirect URIs" bölümlerine subdomain olarak ekledim. Tüm yapılandırmalardan sonra Google ile giriş yapmaya çalıştığımda Chrome console bölümünde "Third-party cookie will be blocked. Learn more in the Issues tab." uyarısı alıyorum ve Issues bölümünde "Cookies with the SameSite=None; Secure and not Partitioned attributes that operate in cross-site contexts are third-party cookies. In future Chrome versions, setting third-party cookies will be blocked. This behavior protects user data from cross-site tracking." ibaresi bulunuyor. Ayrıca hosting içerisinde "error_log" dosyası oluşuyor ve içerisindeki log kayıtları aşağıdaki gibidir: [10-Jun-2024 02:02:51 Europe/Istanbul] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "Google\Auth\Cache\MemoryCacheItemPool" not found in /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/modules/Addons/ConnectGoogle/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Client.php:1151 Stack trace: #0 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/modules/Addons/ConnectGoogle/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Client.php(1101): Google\Client->createDefaultCache() #1 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/modules/Addons/ConnectGoogle/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Client.php(804): Google\Client->getCache() #2 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/modules/Addons/ConnectGoogle/ConnectGoogle.php(203): Google\Client->verifyIdToken() #3 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/controllers/website/sign.php(63): ConnectGoogle->feedback() #4 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/controllers/website/sign.php(33): Controller->connect_with_provider() #5 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/init.php(211): Controller->main() #6 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/index.php(69): Bootstrap->__construct() #7 {main} thrown in /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/modules/Addons/ConnectGoogle/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Client.php on line 1151 [10-Jun-2024 02:17:32 Europe/Istanbul] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "Google\Auth\Cache\MemoryCacheItemPool" not found in /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/modules/Addons/ConnectGoogle/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Client.php:1151 Stack trace: #0 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/modules/Addons/ConnectGoogle/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Client.php(1101): Google\Client->createDefaultCache() #1 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/modules/Addons/ConnectGoogle/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Client.php(804): Google\Client->getCache() #2 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/modules/Addons/ConnectGoogle/ConnectGoogle.php(203): Google\Client->verifyIdToken() #3 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/controllers/website/sign.php(63): ConnectGoogle->feedback() #4 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/controllers/website/sign.php(33): Controller->connect_with_provider() #5 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/init.php(211): Controller->main() #6 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/index.php(69): Bootstrap->__construct() #7 {main} thrown in /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/modules/Addons/ConnectGoogle/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Client.php on line 1151 [10-Jun-2024 02:17:53 Europe/Istanbul] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "Google\Auth\Cache\MemoryCacheItemPool" not found in /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/modules/Addons/ConnectGoogle/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Client.php:1151 Stack trace: #0 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/modules/Addons/ConnectGoogle/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Client.php(1101): Google\Client->createDefaultCache() #1 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/modules/Addons/ConnectGoogle/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Client.php(804): Google\Client->getCache() #2 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/modules/Addons/ConnectGoogle/ConnectGoogle.php(203): Google\Client->verifyIdToken() #3 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/controllers/website/sign.php(63): ConnectGoogle->feedback() #4 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/controllers/website/sign.php(33): Controller->connect_with_provider() #5 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/init.php(211): Controller->main() #6 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/index.php(69): Bootstrap->__construct() #7 {main} thrown in /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/modules/Addons/ConnectGoogle/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Client.php on line 1151 [10-Jun-2024 02:34:54 Europe/Istanbul] PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "Google\Auth\Cache\MemoryCacheItemPool" not found in /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/modules/Addons/ConnectGoogle/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Client.php:1151 Stack trace: #0 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/modules/Addons/ConnectGoogle/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Client.php(1101): Google\Client->createDefaultCache() #1 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/modules/Addons/ConnectGoogle/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Client.php(804): Google\Client->getCache() #2 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/modules/Addons/ConnectGoogle/ConnectGoogle.php(203): Google\Client->verifyIdToken() #3 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/controllers/website/sign.php(63): ConnectGoogle->feedback() #4 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/controllers/website/sign.php(33): Controller->connect_with_provider() #5 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/init.php(211): Controller->main() #6 /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/index.php(69): Bootstrap->__construct() #7 {main} thrown in /home/WEBSITEADRESI/public_html/coremio/modules/Addons/ConnectGoogle/vendor/google/apiclient/src/Client.php on line 1151 Tam 3 gündür bu sorunla ilgileniyorum ve çözüm bulamadım. Nerede hata yapıyor olabilirim? Bana bu konuda yardımcı olabilir misiniz?
  6. Yeni Paylaşımlı Sunucu EKLE kısmı için tcadmin panel gelmeli bunu geliştirmeyi ve eklemeyi düşünüyormusunuz ?
  7. Merhaba Ücretsiz/deneme lisanslarda maalesef domain değişikliği hiçbir koşulda mümkün olmamaktadır. Bilginize.
  8. Merhabalar. Ücretsiz wisecp sürümünü kullanıyoruz fakat domainimiz değiştiğinden dolayı sistemi kullanamıyoruz. Domaini değiştirmek için yardımcı olabilir misiniz?
  9. Hello, I have whitelisted my server IP in Namecheap API Portal, but I get the message in WiseCP: Parameter ClientIP is invalid. What can i do? Thanks for your help!
  10. That would be an awesome integration!
  11. ok, thats reassuring but I need some more clarity The error message being thrown in your module, is: "Sending credit card numbers directly to the Stripe API is generally unsafe. We suggest you use test tokens that map to the test card you are using, see https://stripe.com/docs/testing. To enable raw card data APIs in test mode, see https://support.stripe.com/questions/enabling-access-to-raw-card-data-apis." in the link, stripe states: so to get this working I need to send stripe a SAQ-A because you are fully PCI-DSS compliant or SAQ-D because you are not? the module just errors right now, I can't use it until stipe allows raw cc details in the api (FWIW stipe basic works fine) thanks, thats very unclear. it reads like "create web hook and if you are using stripe tokenised do not select any events"
  12. The "PCI-DSS" compliance certificate can only be issued by an authorized organization. "PCI-DSS" compliance certification is not only based on the software used. In order for a site to be compliant with "PCI-DSS", many factors such as server, network, transaction volume must be inspected and approved by an organization that issues a "PCI-DSS" certificate. Therefore, in order to obtain this document, you must be audited by an authorized organization that issues the "PCI-DSS" certificate. Additionally, WISECP has all the necessary measures to securely process and send card information to the payment gateway provider. So you can be sure that you already have the necessary security measures on the software side. I think you don't fully understand the situation. You do not need to define any HOOK on WISECP for "Stripe tokenized". As explained in the document, it is enough to make the following adjustments in your Stripe panel. Click the "Webhooks" tab and then click the "Add an endpoint" button at the bottom of the page. In the window that opens, provide the following definitions. "Endpoint URL" > In this field, define the "Callback URL" information found in the "WISECP Stripe module". "Description" > Type "FOR WISECP" in this field. "Version" > Select "Last Version" in this field. "Select events to listen to" > In this field, if you are going to use "Stripe Basic" type, select the "payment_intent.succeeded" event. If you are going to use "Stripe Checkout" type, select "checkout.session.completed". If you are going to use "Stripe Tokenized" you do not need to make any selection. Important Warning: If the "Select events to listen to" field is not defined correctly as described above, payment information will not be sent to the WISECP system and services and invoices cannot be created on WISECP even if payment has been received on Stripe.
  13. Hi, I'm evaluating wisecp for my business. I am particularly interested in supporting automatic subscription renewals. I'm having trouble setting up stripe (tokenised) a) API error - "Sending credit card numbers directly to the Stripe API is generally unsafe. We suggest you use test tokens that map to the test card you are using, see https://stripe.com/docs/testing. To enable raw card data APIs in test mode, see https://support.stripe.com/questions/enabling-access-to-raw-card-data-apis." This error indicates increased responsibility for PCI compliance since raw CC details are being passed around, the strip basic module doesnt do this. could I get some clarity in the PCI-DSS status of this module? will I need to do a SAQ-D? "If you are working with a third-party platform which is requesting that you enable this feature on your Stripe account, please contact that platform to obtain the necessary documentation." do wisecp supply that? b) web hook setup - documentation has no events need to be configured in the web hook, but stripe will not let me save the web hook without at least one event (makes sense) https://docs.wisecp.com/en/kb/stripe "If you are going to use "Stripe Tokenized" you do not need to make any selection." what is the correct setting here? thanks!
  14. Can we leverage the WISECP platform to create a unique page that integrates Service Groupextra API? This could potentially open up exciting possibilities for tailored service offerings and enhanced user experience. I invested here https://deindex.io
  15. WISECP, web hosting ve diğer tüm dijital hizmetler sunan işletmelere yönelik yeni nesil, akıllı ve gelişmiş bir otomasyon yazılımıdır. WISECP kurulumu oldukça basit ve hızlı yapılmaktadır. Hosting ftp bilgilerinize gerekli dosyaları yükleyip gerekli panel ayarlarını yaparak bugün domain - hosting firmanızı açabilirsiniz.
  16. Hello, How do I change the font-size and font-style for the client top menu please? Thanks.
  17. Hi, Unfortunately I don't know the answer but has nobody replied to this issue?
  18. Hi, Your website says that, during the trial, premium support should work. I have managed to install a trial version of WiseCP OK but the chat box tells me I need to pay for support. Thanks.
  19. Where: Admin Portal Location: Affiliate Management (User Account) When setting a Custom Commission - It states Custom Commission (Opsional) Which I believe is meant to be `Optional` Feel free to remove if not in proper location!
  20. Hi @Neamitika A comprehensive documentation on all classes and methods will be published soon. But I want to give you better news: with WISECP 3.1.7 the WISECP API will be available. With the WISECP API, you will be able to complete the process you want to do in a much simpler and easier way. WISECP 3.1.7 will be released in the next few days.
  21. yaaniyakup

    tema hatası

    tema ayarlarrında ön izleme için baktığımız temalar varsayılan tema oluyor ama varsayılan tema olarak gözükmüyor varsayılan ollarak ayarlanan tema gözükmüyor ayrıca admin panelden tema kaldırılmıyor
  22. Hi, i am developing an addon for e-invoice to send the invoice data to the Aruba e-invoice service. I am searching for some methods to retrive custom fields of single user. // $invoice is an array with all the information about the invoice $user_data = $invoice["user_data"]; $items = Invoices::get_items($invoice["id"]); // array of items inside the invoice $user_id = $user_data["id"]; // $user_custom_fields // method to get the user custom fields by $user_id Is there a documentation with all the classes and methods? Thx
  23. Hi @Sean The reason for this situation is that a license has already been created and used for the domain you are installing. If you think otherwise, please send an information mail to [email protected] with the domain you are trying to use. When you do this, you can be sure that we will get back to you as soon as possible. Best regards.
  24. I think you may need to create a ticket for the trial. You can get info about the issue by submitting a ticket through the website.
  25. Hi, I would like to try this software but can't because this 30 day trial goes nowhere. I have installed wisecp but cannot login or find any means to active the 30 day trial. If you do not have a 30 day trial - update your webpage.
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