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Black Friday / Cyber Only - PreMadeKB at $34 for WISECP & DemoTiger Videos at $99 - Limited Time Discount

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Black Friday & Cyber Monday Special for WISECP.

PreMadeKB & DemoTiger - Get 66% OFF - OMG!


Addon 1 - PreMadeKB Articles for WISECP - 444+ KB Articles.
PreMadeKB Provides ReadyMade Articles written by professionals for your Customers. Integrate high quality content with WISECP Knowledgebase.
- Order PreMadeKB Articles for WISECP  @ $34 (30% Discount - Coupon:

Sample/Demo Article - WISECP.

Addon 2 - DemoTiger Video Knowledgebase for WISECP - 201+ HD Videos
DemoTiger provides series of high quality(1080p & 720p) video tutorials for Web Hosting companies. The Videos, with audio and text instructions, are made by professionals and guide the web hosting customers step by step. One can advertise his brand with logo inside every video of the series. These videos are integrated with your WISECP Knowledge-base and provide real time support to your clients.
- All Series/All Videos (201 Videos - English) Order DemoTiger Video Tutorials @ $99 (66%+ Discount - Coupon code: BlackFriday99)
- cPanel Series Only (110 Videos - English) - Order cPanel Video Tutorials @ $75 (49%+ OFF - Coupon code: BlackFriday74cP)

- cPanel Tutorials in Dutch Language - Order cPanel Tutorials - Without Audio.

- DirectAdmin Tutorials in Dutch Language - Order DA Tutorials - Without Audio.

Click to View Sample Video of DemoTiger

All PreMadeKB articles and DemoTiger videos can integrate with your Knowledgebase website without affecting existing articles on the website.




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