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Mailvorlagen deutsch

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Hi guys,

i translated the mail templates to german.  I did some modifications where i thought they make sense, very basic at all.
Included: Mailtemplates (html) and Subjects (json)
Not included: SMS-translation (txt files)
2 or 3 files were empty, they are here empty too ("Kundenvorgänge/Überprüfung der Telefonnummer", "Rechnung/Subscription Payment Failed")
You finde the "de" folder in the zip.  Copy it over /templates/notifications/de

Hope you may find it useful as startingpoint for your own translations.  I am not responsible for any damage.

And in "invoice-overdue", there is a wrong "fixed invoice number" instead a variable
"Your invoice #525 is now overdue, .. " --> replace "#525" with "#{invoice_id}"

de - Mailvorlagen.zip

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22 hours ago, Johannes said:

Hi guys,

i translated the mail templates to german.  I did some modifications where i thought they make sense, very basic at all.
Included: Mailtemplates (html) and Subjects (json)
Not included: SMS-translation (txt files)
2 or 3 files were empty, they are here empty too ("Kundenvorgänge/Überprüfung der Telefonnummer", "Rechnung/Subscription Payment Failed")
You finde the "de" folder in the zip.  Copy it over /templates/notifications/de

Hope you may find it useful as startingpoint for your own translations.  I am not responsible for any damage.

And in "invoice-overdue", there is a wrong "fixed invoice number" instead a variable
"Your invoice #525 is now overdue, .. " --> replace "#525" with "#{invoice_id}"

de - Mailvorlagen.zip 72.52 kB · 1 download

Thank you for your sharing and contribution @Johannes ❤️

It will be very useful for our German users 👍

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